Design & Develop Training Module

April 29 - 30 | 09.00 – 15.00 |

with Adi Wijaksana (click to view trainer’s profile)

In this hypercompetitive era, corporations should carefully review their business strategies; including their training & development plans. With so many changes happened; one important thing to be considered: how could we improve our existing employee’s competency and productivity?  

This course will simply guide your star employees on how they could design and develop an effective internal training (or knowledge sharing) programs; either it is a short or full program for other employees. How they could develop practical, inspiring and enjoyable training programs.

This online course will cover

Day 1:

  • Implementation of BADDIE Concept for Internal Trainer

  • Implementation of BLOOM Taxonomy

  • Training Module Blueprint:

  • Defining training objectives

  • Developing teaching plan

  • Defining the Best Training Delivery Method

Day 2:

  • Setting Level of Training Evaluation

  • Developing Trainer’s Instruction Guide

  • Group Work: Designing Training Module

The program will use practical (exercises, examples, etc.), inspiring and enjoyable approaches. 

Who can benefit

Head and staffs of Human Resources Department. Anybody else in the organization who like to share their knowledge and skills to other. People who like to become a trainer.  


Individual : Rp 1.000.000,-/pax

Group       : Rp 900.000,-/pax (for 2 or more participants)

[incl. PDF of course material & e-certificate]



We will use to broadcast the event. Link will be sent 1 (one) day before the event. 


  • The minimum no. of participant to run the program is 5 pax.

  • Registration will be closed on April 25. Click here to register